Monday 19 December 2011

Final mousetrap vehicle post

Things that went well:Our mousetrap vehicle was very consistent. The vehicle was also successful in the drag race. Our vehicle ended up being the second fastest car out of six vehicles. The car was very easy to put together and reassemble. If we needed to we could take our wheels off of its axels and adjust the car easier. At the starting line our car had a smooth start. It didnt spin out or stall when the trap was set off.

Future Recommendations: If you want your vehicle to keep rolling far make sure that your axels have room to rotate. You dont want the axels or the wheels to rub on the chassis and create more friciton because it will slow your vehicle down. When you are designing your vehicle try to have bigger wheels at the back and smaller wheels at the front so that there is less area to cover. The bigger the wheels the less the axels had to rotate. If your wheels are to small the axels will have to rotate more to get a far distance. Try to make your chassis as light as possible so that there isnt large mass that has to be moved. Make sure that you have a sturdy vehicle that wont break when the trap snaps.

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