Wednesday 25 January 2012

Spaghetti Bridge

1. The process of building this bridge that I found most rewarding was learning how to build and design a bridge that can hold a large amount of weight compared to its size. I learned how to incorporate different styles of brindges into one bridge.

2. The specific strengths of our bridge were the two main beams on the bottom along with the crossed beams that lead from the top to the bottom outside corners. I think all the small supports also helped out with keeping the bridge from falling apart.

3. If I was to change anything with our bridge I would add more small beams at the bottom of the bridge. I would also make the top supports shorter. The extra small beams at the bottom would add more support at the bottom and would help it from snapping at the bottom. If it had shorter supports it might be able to hold more because there wouldn't as much stress on the supports.

4. Before you start making your bridge look up different designs and try to figure out where the pressure points will be on your bridge so you can strengthen the areas with the most pressure.

Our Group

The bridge we made.

Our bridge was the strongest bridge. It held 14000g.

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