Wednesday 21 September 2011

Uploading Images

1. I liked building the tower the best because it was more exciting and it was a hands on activity.

2. Our completed tower didn't match our original design at all. We used a different method of rolling the paper into a cylinder shape. At the start we had cone shapes that didn't work very well so we switched to the cylinders.

3. I would incorporate the layers into our tower to help with support. Our tower didn't have any layers. The layers would have helped to support our tower and make it stronger.

Left to right: Kylie, Josh, Florencia    Photo Credit: Agnessa


Our tower holding 1kg


  1. I really like your background. Way to be kid!

  2. Good job Kylie, I enjoy the effort put into this blog!

  3. I think the black and wood go together nicely

  4. I like the wood in the background. The text could be a little bigger.
